Finite elements¶
Background / context¶
- In the finite element method the domain of interest $\Omega$ is triangulated, i.e. decomposed into simple elements
- The purpose of this decomposition is:
- to find local function spaces
- and glue them together afterwards to meet regularity requirements (typically: continuity)
- In this unit we will concentrate on the first step: local function spaces
The local-to-global connection is later on formed through the association of degrees of freedom (dofs) to the geometrical entities of the mesh, e.g. the vertices, edges, faces, cells, etc..
Example idea:
- put a dof to each vertex: you have as many dofs as vertices globally
- locally you have as many dofs as vertices in the element
- every dof only appears in as many elements as elements are connected to the vertex
This however requires that the basis functions associated to the dofs are local in the sense that they vanish on elements that do not contain the dof.
Finite elements¶
We distinguish two characterizations of finite elements.
Finite elements in the classical sense (Ciarlet)¶
Finite elements in the classical sense consist of a triple $(T,V_T,\Psi^T)$ of:
- a domain of definition (e.g. a triangle) $T$
- a finite dimensional functions space $V_T: T \to \mathbb{R}$, $\operatorname{dim}(V_T) = n_T$
- a set of $n_T$ linearly independent functionals that describe the degrees of freedom $\Psi^T = \{\Psi^T_i\}_{i=1,..,n_T}$, $\quad\Psi^T_i: V_T \to \mathbb{R}, i =1,..,n_T$.
Finite elements from an implementational point of view¶
In practice the finite element is often defined through:
- a domain of definition (e.g. a triangle) $T$
- a set of basis functions $ \{ \phi^T_i \}_{i=1,..,n_T} $
Note that then obviously $V_T = \operatorname{span}(\{\phi^T_i\})$.
Often, both characterizations are known and match. Otherwise the basis functions can be constructed as the dual to the functionals, so that $\Psi^T_i(\phi_j) = \delta_{ij}$
Note: $\Psi^T_i(\phi_j) = \delta_{ij}$ is nice, but is not necessary!
Examples (1D)¶
Example: P1(Segment)
FE triple $(T,V_T,\Psi^T)$:
- domain: line segment $T = [0,1]$ ("unit interval")
- Linear functions on the $[0,1]$: $V_T = \mathcal{P}^1(T) = \{f(x) = a + bx\}$
associated with the vertices $0$ and $1$: $\Psi^T_0(v) = v(0)$, $\Psi^T_1(v) = v(1)$
Dual basis:
- $\phi_0 = 1-x$, $\qquad$ ($\phi_0(0)=1$, $\phi_0(1)=0$)
- $\phi_1 = x$, $\qquad$ ($\phi_1(0)=0$, $\phi_1(1)=1$)
import import_hack
from methodsnm.fe_1d import P1_Segment_FE
from methodsnm.visualize import DrawSegmentFE
p1 = P1_Segment_FE()
Example: P1(Segment)
(different dofs
- domain: line segment $T = [0,1]$ ("unit interval")
- Linear functions on the $[0,1]$: $V_T = \mathcal{P}^1(T) = \{f(x) = a + bx\}$
: $\Psi^T_0(v) = \int_0^1 v(x) dx$, $\Psi^T_1(v) = \int_0^1 x v(x) dx$
$\leadsto$ different dual basis:
- $\phi_0(x) = 3-2x$, $\qquad$ ($\Psi^T_0(\phi_0)=1$, $\Psi^T_0(\phi_0)=0$)
- $\phi_1(x) = 6-6x$, $\qquad$ ($\Psi^T_0(\phi_1)=0$, $\Psi^T_0(\phi_1)=1$)
Example: Lagrange(Segment)
(Lagrange polynomials of order $k$)¶
- domain: line segment $T = [0,1]$ ("unit interval")
- polynomial functions on the $[0,1]$: $V_T = \mathcal{P}^k(T) = \{ \sum_{l=0}^k a_k x^k \mid a \in \mathbb{R}^{k+1}\}$
associated to different nodes $x_j \in [0,1]$: $\Psi^T_j(v) = v(x_j)$, $j=0,..,k$
Why different sets of dofs
/ functionals?¶
- local $\leftrightarrow$ global: Functionals (
) may be shared- Often
are associated to geometrical entities (e.g. vertices in 1D) - Then $\Psi^T_{p,i}(\phi^T_{q,j}) = 0$ for $p\neq q$ where $p,q$ are different geometrical entities is necessary ($\leadsto$ 2D)
- Often
- if no global constraints are imposed, other properties may be benefitial, e.g. efficient/stable evaluation, orthogonality, ..
Tasks $\leadsto$,,¶
Task FE1D
Implement a finite element (inherited from FE
) for $V_T = \mathcal{P}^2([0,1])$ with $\Psi^T_0(v)=v(0)$, $\Psi^T_1(v)=v(1)$ and $\Psi^T_2(v)=\int_0^1 v dx$.
The corresponding basis does not need to be dual, but we ask for $\Psi^T_0(\phi_j)=\delta_{0j}$, $\Psi^T_1(\phi_j)=\delta_{1j}$
- First, develop a corresponding basis on paper
- Then, put the implementation of the new finite element (named e.g.
- Draw the basis functions in this notebook, e.g. with the following code snippet
from methodsnm.fe_1d import P2_Segment_FE
p2 = P2_Segment_FE()
Task FE1D
Complete the implementation of Lagrange_Segment_FE
and Draw the corresponding basis functions for order $5$. Choose equidistant points for testing (default).
- Come up with an evaluation formula that works for arbitrary orders $k$
- Replace the function
in theLagrange_Segment_FE
Note that the default filling of the nodes
values is already implemented.
from methodsnm.fe_1d import Lagrange_Segment_FE
lag = Lagrange_Segment_FE(order=5)
This task should fix the tests in
Task FE1D
Implement a Legendre FE basis $\{\ell_i(x)\}_{i=0,..,k}$ for arbitrary order $k$. Legendre polynomials form an orthogonal basis of $\mathcal{P}^k([-1,1])$ w.r.t. to the $L^2([-1,1])$ inner product with $\int_{-1}^1 \ell_i(x) \ell_j(x) ~ dx = \delta_{ij} \frac{2}{2i+1}$. A finite element can be defined through:
- domain: line segment $T = [-1,1]$ ("centered unit interval")
- polynomial functions on $[-1,1]$: $V_T = \mathcal{P}^k(T) = \{ \sum_{l=0}^k a_k x^k \mid a \in \mathbb{R}^{k+1}\}$
associated to different modes based on the Legendre basis itself: $\Psi^T_j(v) = \int_{-1}^1 v(x) \ell_j(x) ~ dx ~\cdot (j+\frac12)$, $j=0,..,k$, s.t. $\Psi^T_j(\ell_i) = \delta_{ij}$
There holds the following important characterization that simplifies the efficient implementation of the Legendre polynomials:
- $\ell_0(x) = 1$
- $\ell_1(x) = x$
- and the recurrence relation for $n > 1$: $$ (n+1) \ell_{n+1}(x) = (2 n + 1) x \ell_{n}(x) - n \ell_{n-1}(x) $$
An implementation based on the recursion is easy when based on RecursivePolynomial
s in
Note that when implementing the Legendre FE basis you need to apply an affine transformation between $[0,1]$ and $[-1,1]$.
from methodsnm.recpol import RecursivePolynomial, LegendrePolynomials
import numpy as np
leg = LegendrePolynomials()
leg.plot_all(np.linspace(-1,1,100), 5)
from methodsnm.fe_1d import Legendre_Segment_FE
leg = Legendre_Segment_FE(order=5)
- What are major advantages and disadvantages of the Legendre basis compared to the Lagrange basis?
Task FE1D
The Jacobi polynomials are a generalization of the Legendre polynomials. We will see them appearing later on again. For now we only need the following properties:
- They are defined w.r.t. two parameters $\alpha$, $\beta$
- They can defined through
- the starting functions:
- $P_0^{(\alpha,\beta)}(x) = 1$
- $P_1^{(\alpha,\beta)}(x) = (\alpha + 1) + (\alpha + \beta + 2) \frac{x-1}{2}$
- and recurrence relations for $n > 1$.
- the starting functions:
Based on RecursivePolynomial
s in, also implement a FiniteElement with the Jacobi basis.
- Add a test that checks that for $\alpha=\beta=0$ the Jacobi basis reduces to the Legendre basis.
from methodsnm.fe_1d import Jacobi_Segment_FE
jac = Jacobi_Segment_FE(order=5, alpha=1, beta=0)
Task FE1D
To combine some advantages of nodal (like the Lagrange) and modal (like the Legendre) finite elements, we can also use a combination of both:
- take $\phi_0$ and $\phi_1$ as P1 basis functions corresponding to the vertices $0$ and $1$
- take $\phi_k$ for $k>1$ as $\phi_k(x) = L_{k}(2x-1)$ with $L_{k}(z) = \int_{-1}^z \ell_{k-1}(x) dx$ where $\ell_{k-1}$ is the Legendre basis function of order $k-1$ (so that $L_k$ and $\phi_k$ are of order k).
For the integrated Legendre basis functions $L_k$ there is a again a characterization as a recursive polynomial that can be used to implement this finite element (no explicit integration formula needed).
Task: Implement this finite element and draw the basis functions for order $5$.
There holds for the integrated Legendre basis functions $L_k$:
- $L_0(x) = x$
- $L_1(x) = \frac12 (x^2 - 1)$
- $L_k(x) = \frac{2k-3}{k} x L_{k-1}(x) - \frac{k-2}{k} L_{k-2}(x)$ for $k>1$
from methodsnm.recpol import IntegratedLegendrePolynomials
import numpy as np
leg = IntegratedLegendrePolynomials()
leg.plot_all(np.linspace(-1,1,100), 5)
from methodsnm.fe_1d import IntegratedLegendre_Segment_FE
ilg = IntegratedLegendre_Segment_FE(order=5)
What can you say about $\int_0^1 \phi_k'(x) \phi_l'(x) dx$ for the (mixed) integrated Legendre basis?
Examples (2D)¶
Example: P1(Triangle)
FE triple $(T,V_T,\Psi^T)$:
- domain: Triangle $T = \hat T = \operatorname{conv}((0,0),(1,0),(0,1))$ ("unit triangle")
- Linear functions on the $T = \hat T$: $V_T = \mathcal{P}^1(T) = \{f(\mathbf{x}) = a + b~x_1 + c~x_2\}$, $\mathbf{x} = (x_1,x_2)$
associated with the vertices at $v_0=(0,0)$, $v_1=(1,0)$ and $v_2=(0,1)$: $\Psi^T_i(w) = w(v_i)$, $i=0,1,2$
#%matplotlib qt
from methodsnm.fe_2d import P1_Triangle_FE
from methodsnm.visualize import DrawTriangleFE
p1 = P1_Triangle_FE()