Solution of the 1D Poisson problem using our own FEM code¶
In [1]:
import import_hack
In [2]:
from methodsnm.mesh_1d import *
from methodsnm.visualize import *
On the mesh, we define a finite element space:
In [3]:
from methodsnm.fes import *
ne = 4
mesh = Mesh1D((0,1),ne)
fes = P1_Segments_Space(mesh)
#fes = Pk_IntLeg_Segments_Space(mesh,3)
On the mesh, with the given finite element space, we define the variational formulation: $$ \int_{\Omega} \nabla u \cdot \nabla v dx + \int_{\Omega} u v dx = \int_{\Omega} f v dx $$ Replacing
- $u \leadsto u_h = \sum_j u_j \phi_j $ and
- $v \leadsto v_h = \phi_i$ we obtain a linear system:
In [4]:
from methodsnm.forms import *
from methodsnm.formint import *
try: #include solution module (if exists)
from methodsnm.solution import *
blf = BilinearForm(fes)
c = GlobalFunction(lambda x: 1, mesh = mesh)
#blf += LaplaceIntegral(c)
blf += MassIntegral(c)
lf = LinearForm(fes)
f = GlobalFunction(lambda x: np.sin(3*x)**2, mesh = mesh)
lf += SourceIntegral(f)
In [5]:
print(blf.matrix, "\n", lf.vector)
Next, we solve the linear system. And we use a direct solver from scipy for that (for now):
In [6]:
uh = FEFunction(fes)
from scipy.sparse.linalg import spsolve
uh.vector = spsolve(blf.matrix, lf.vector)
Finally, we can visualize the solution:
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This problem now contained several simplifications, that can be removed step by step:
- qualitative evaluation only (no quantitative evaluation, no convergence study)
- boundary conditions are natural. Different boundary conditions make it more difficult
- 1D $\leadsto$ 2D
- P1 (low order) discretization vs. P2 and higher order discretizations